Hand perforation caused by a Gafftopsail catfish (bagre marinus) in a fisherman from Northeastern Brazil
Occupational accidents, Fishermen, Catfish, Venomous fishResumo
A 39-year-old male fisherman from Ceará State in Northeastern Brazil presented to the emergency room complaining of intense pain, edema, and bleeding in his left hand (Figure 1A-1B), He had a recent history of traumatism with hand perforation caused by the stinger of a gafftopsail catfish (Bagre marinus) (Figure 2A-2C). The injury occurred 4 hours prior when pulling his fishnet in the ocean. Right after the injury, the patient presented local pain and classified as eight in a visual analogue scale of pain. He denied systemic symptoms such as fever. On physical examination, he presented with two perforations separated by about 2 cm with slight bleeding (Figure 1A), local edema, and pain in his left hand (Figure 1B). Local cleansing of the lesion was performed. He was advised to apply warm compresses and used analgesics/anti-inflammatory drugs with the improvement of the inflammation. Systemic antibiotics were not necessary.
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