The Journal of Management Analysis and Technologies (ReGeA) invites you, professors and researchers, to submit your research (articles, essays and case studies).
This call for papers is directly related to NEW TECHNOLOGIES of information management, digital transformation and topics related to product engineering with a focus on industrial operations, logistics, supply chains, and sustainability.
Submit Now:
Deadline: August 30, 2025
Why Publish with ReGeA?
ReGeA offers free and immediate access to its content (open access);
- The papers that make up the journal contain the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and all are published in PDF and XML;
- Regea is indexed: EBSCO; REDIB; DOAJ; Google Scholar; SUMÁRIOS and QUALIS – CAPES;
- ReGeA is present in directories: Latindex; CiteFactor; Diadorim; Sherpa/Romeo; ROAD; LIVRE; MIGUILIM; CNEN; IBICT; PKP.
For any questions, contact us or visit our website for more details:
Take this opportunity to share your research with a global audience and make a lasting impact!
With warm regards,
Editor-in-chief: Arnaldo Coelho, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
Executive Editor: Laodicéia A. Weersma, Unichristus, Brasil.
Associate Editors:
Alexandre Lobo, USJ, Macau, China.
Carla Katarina de Monteiro Marques, IFRN, Brasil.
Sandeep Kumar Gupta, CMR University, Bengaluru, Índia.
The Journal of Management Analysis and Technologies (ReGeA)
(e-ISSN 2359-618X)