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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The papers submitted for publication in ReGeA must be original, and can not be in parallel review in another journa.

Author Guidelines

Collaborations of Brazil and abroad are accepted. The full texts can be submitted in Portuguese or in English. It is recommended to establish clear and objective language and follow the editorial rules governing this journal.

Electronic submission of articles will only be accepted at the following address: <>, in a file with the document file format [doc], together with the Copyright Assignment Form. Through the Portal the authors can submit articles and track their status throughout the editorial process. This way the submission ensures a quick and safe submission of your manuscript, streamlining the evaluation of the process.

The studies should report the results of research, in progress or completed, in conformation with the writing genres listed below:

a) ARTICLES - texts for the promotion of the research results of scientific, technological and theoretical studies;

b) ESSAY – accurate, critical and conclusive exposure of issues from studies on a given subject, in which is highlighted the originality of thinking of the author;

c) CASE STUDY - actual case reports of companies with the purpose of consolidating the case method as a teaching and learning tool, providing stimulus for studies, research and debate in the mentioned areas.


Entries must be submitted to the Journal of Management Analysis - ReGeA – in accordance with the submission guidelines contained in the Editorial Line of this Journal. It is essential that the authors verify the conformity of submission for all the items listed below. Submissions that are not in accordance with the rules will be rejected.

1. The texts may be submitted in Portuguese or in English. The articles written in English should contain the title, abstract and key-words in Portuguese.

2. The texts in Portuguese must be written according to the standards of presentation of articles and academic papers as established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) - NBR 6022: 2003 and NBR 14724: 2011. For articles in English, the equivalent ISO standard will be used.

3.  Technical Characteristics

a) = A4 paper size;

b) text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later;

c) margins: top and left 3 cm, right, bottom 2 cm;

d) Source: Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line

e) The number of pages: ARTICLE (minimum=12; maximum=22 pages); ESSAY (minimum 8; maximum = 23 pages); and CASE (minimum=8; maximum=13 pages).   

4. Specific Features:

a) the title and subtitle (if any) of the text should be presented in Portuguese and in English;

b) the title and subtitle (if any) should express clearly the idea of the work;

c) summary and abstract: written according to the NBR6028 or equivalent ISO standard with a maximum of 150 words. The abstract should outline the purpose, method, results and conclusions;

d) key-words: there must be from three to five key-words;

e) the content of articles and essays shall, wherever possible, include introduction; literature review; methodology; results; conclusions (with recommendations of study) and references;

f) the contents of the cases should include, where possible: introduction; context with characterization of the market; presentation of the company; the actions undertaken by the company; the dilemma and the arguments with supporting     evidence; the notes of education contemplating the educational objectives, matters for discussion / decision; the theoretical framework that supports the text and, finally, references.

5. The citations in the text should be written in accordance with the ABNT NBR 10520 or equivalent ISO standard.

6. The use of notes, quotes, charts, tables, figures, charts or photographs should be limited to a minimum; these texts must be submitted according to ABNT NBR 15724, 2011 in size 10. Images must be in jpg. The ReGeA is not responsible for poor quality images inserted at work.

7. References should follow the author-date system, according to ABNT NBR 6023, 2002, or equivalent ISO standard.


The papers submitted for publication in ReGeA must be original, and can not be in parallel review in another journal (Note - The work may have been previously presented at conferences, provided they were referenced).

The signed declarations are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the authors as declared through document - Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Copyright. Furthermore, the assignment of copyright is made on a free non-exclusive basis, from the ReGeA which holds the rights to publish the material, except when there is a specific indication of other copyright holders.  In case someone should need any kind of clarification, we remain at the disposal for answering any eventual questions.

Exception: For the researches originated from papers presented at scientific congresses and symposia that are submitted to the special fast track issue it´s required that authors indicate the origin of the article and the references of the event.


Information on the author should be conveyed only in the e-mail body, containing the following data: name (s) (s) of author (s), affiliation; e-mail, city, state, country of each author and title of the work. The work should be attached to the same e-mail. To ensure anonymity in the process of evaluation of the work, the author (s) (s) should not (m) be identified in the study of the body. If identified, the work will be automatically out of the evaluation process. The Editorial Team of ReGeA follows the suggestions contained in the Manual of Good Practices of Scientific Publication ANPAD.


The works should be thoroughly reviewed in order to see whether they have been organized in accordance with the standards of ReGeA, the correction of the Portuguese language or languages should be carefully certified. There must be a strict care about the adequate identification of the author before submissions are handed in. Works with incomplete documentation or not meeting the guidelines of the standards adopted by the magazine will not be evaluated. The author(s) shall be duly informed upon receipt of the submissions.



Texts for the promotion of scientific research results, technological research and theoretical studies (minimum=12; maximum=22 pages).


Exhibitions of issues made from established studies, critical and conclusive, in which is highlighted the originality of the thinking of the author (minimum 8; maximum = 13 pages).


Actual case reports of companies with the purpose of consolidating the case method as a teaching and learning tool, providing stimulus for studies, research and debate in the mentioned areas (minimum=8; maximum=13).

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this publication  and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.