Variance analysis as support for Lean Philosophy in gypsum manufacturing


  • Pedro Vieira Souza Santos Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
  • Eduína Carla da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG
  • Isabela Tito Pereira Rocha Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF
  • Maurilio Arruda de Araújo Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA



ANOVA, Heinjunka, Lean, gypsum, Araripe


Considering the various approaches proposed and available for application in industries across a wide range of sectors, statistics can be cited as one of the most consolidated. It is an area that can contribute to a range of tests and data processing. On the other hand, Lean Philosophy has a range of tools that enable waste reduction. In this sense, this article aimed to use statistical information to project the production level of gypsum bags in a calciner in Pernambuco. In this sense, the statistical evaluation combined with the approach proposed by Lean Manufacturing is justified, given the need to input improvements in the gypsum production process. It is a hybrid methodological approach that combines two aspects in favor of the case analyzed. Most companies in the region lack studies and methods that provide effective gains in the quality and productivity of internal processes. Concerning the objectives, this research can be classified as exploratory, and in relation to the technical procedures, the research is classified as a field study, as it seeks to deepen the debate about the specific reality of the Local Production Arrangement (APL) of gypsum, in Pernambuco. The research was developed in two phases: initially, based on the data collected, statistical analyses were performed, and subsequently, the production data obtained were subjected to the leveling process with the Heijunka method. The local production level was defined as 10,000 bags for each production line. Therefore, there will be a quantity of 500 bags produced above the demand, which will be treated as safety stock. The possible association of statistical information as input for lean manufacturing tools can be evidenced.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Vieira Souza Santos, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF

Mestre em Engenharia de Produção (UFPE). Graduado em Engenharia de Produção (UNIVASF). Atua como Professor, Pesquisador e Professor Conteudista na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. Juazeiro - BA – BR.


Eduína Carla da Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG

Graduada em Engenheira de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Campina Grande - PB - BR. 

Isabela Tito Pereira Rocha, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF

Mestra em Administração Pública pela Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. Professora Substituta no curso de Engenharia de Produção na Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. Salgueiro - PE - BR.

Maurilio Arruda de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES).  Professor Assistente (Efetivo) na Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA). Maraba - PA - BR.



How to Cite

SANTOS, Pedro Vieira Souza; SILVA, Eduína Carla da; ROCHA, Isabela Tito Pereira; ARAÚJO, Maurilio Arruda de. Variance analysis as support for Lean Philosophy in gypsum manufacturing. Journal Of Management Analysis, Fortaleza, v. 14, n. 1, p. 104–119, 2025. DOI: 10.12662/2359-618xregea.v14i1.p104-119.2025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.

