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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. When submitting their article, the proponents undertake not to submit the same work at the same time to other vehicles of scientific dissemination, while the article is in the evaluation process, and until it is published by the Revista Opinião Jurídica, safeguarding the originality of the work until its effective publication.

  • In case of rejection of the article, its authors are, of course, free to repurpose it in other vehicles of their free choice.

  • On the other hand, Revista Opinião undertakes to give a final answer of approval or disapproval within a maximum period of 01 (one) year. Once this period has elapsed, without a final answer, the authors will be released as to the exclusivity of their submission, but they are obliged to communicate the existence of a further submission by e-mail and through the portal. (In practice, our answers have been delivered in much less time, however, as we are also subject to the deadlines of external evaluators, and we need to consider the demand, we chose to impose a more flexible maximum deadline).

  • The deadlines for publication of approved articles will be implemented as quickly as possible, after completion of the national and foreign language review procedures, ABNT, layout and layout review, in the continuous flow processing system (ahead of print), observed the need for the journal to comply with Capes parameters.

  • The duly approved authors undertake not to withdraw their articles before their effective publication, provided that this time interval does not exceed a maximum period of 06 (six) months.
  • Any situation to the contrary must be notified and submitted to the appreciation of the team, in "Comments to the editor".
  • Authors who violate the above submission conditions are prevented from having articles processed by the Revista Opinião Jurídica, as authors or co-authors, for a period of 04 (four) years, counting from the date of knowledge of the fact by the team, to which immediately notify the respective authors.
  • The submission file is in .doc, .txt or .rtf extension.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.
  • All authors of the article are informed about the editorial policies of the Journal, have read the manuscript being submitted and are in agreement with it.

Author Guidelines

We inform you that the suitability and veracity of the content sent by the columnists are their sole responsibility, and therefore, each of the authors must ensure the observance of an unblemished conduct, free from plagiarism, fraud and any possible violations of an ethical nature.


Articles must have a maximum of 03 (three) co-authors. Among them, there must be at least one doctor.

All manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Legal Opinion must be submitted electronically. Responsibility for the content of the manuscript rests entirely with the author and his co-authors.

The author responsible for the submission must indicate, in the "Institution/Affiliation" field, the complete data of all authors, with the indication of institution, city, federation unit and country.

Prior registration is required to submit articles through the link:

For those who already have a registration, only electronic submissions of articles will be accepted at the following address:

Through this service, authors can submit the article and monitor its status throughout the editorial process. This form of submission guarantees greater speed and security in the submission of your manuscript, streamlining the evaluation process.

The author must choose a category for the manuscript (Articles, Interviews). Responsibility for the content of the manuscript rests entirely with the author and his co-authors.



Themes can be explored through different approaches, either theoretic or dogmatic. Historical, political, legal, methodological and interdisciplinary analyses are also admissible. Authors may choose to address only specific aspects of the broader context of the chosen research area. The research areas are:

1) Constitution, State and Society

2) Law, Access to Justice and Dispute Resolution

3) Law, State and Access to Development

4) Legal Epistemology, Legal Methodology and Legal Editorial

5) Political Theory and Law



Pre-textual elements:

Title and subtitle (if any), separated by a colon (Portuguese);

Title, and subtitle (if any) in English;

Title, and subtitle (if any) in Spanish;

Structured summary in the language of the text: sequence of concise and objective sentences, from 150 to 250 words, spacing between simple lines. Following are the keywords, representative of the content of the work, separated by a period and ending with a period (from 3 to 5 words).

Follow the instructions in the article below to prepare the structured abstract in the three languages:

Structured abstract in English;

Keywords in English;

Structured abstract in Spanish;

Keywords in Spanish.

Textual elements:

Model A:

1. Introduction

2 Development

3 Conclusion

Model B:

1. Introduction

2 Theoretical Reference

3 Research Methodology

4 Analysis of Results (must contain the analysis of the data obtained)

5 Conclusion

Post-textual elements:



Texts must be typed or typed in black, and other colors may only be used for illustrations.

All text must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, using 1.5 line spacing, except for citations of more than three lines, footnotes, references, legends of illustrations and tables, which must be typed or typed in single space. The first line spacing of paragraphs is 1.25 cm or 1 TAB.

The paper format to be used, both in the electronic and printed versions, must be in A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm), with the following margins: top and left - 3.0 cm; bottom and right - 2.0 cm. The work must be digitized in WORD.



Citations must be indicated in the text by the author-date call system (NBR 10520).

In this system, the source is indicated: by the surname of each author or by the name of each responsible entity up to the first punctuation mark, followed by the date of publication of the document and the page(s) of the citation , in the case of direct quotation, separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses.

Quotations of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotes; Quotations of more than three lines must be highlighted with a 4 cm indent from the left margin, in Times New Roman 10, without quotation marks.

To emphasize excerpts from the citation, they should be highlighted, indicating this change with the expression “our emphasis” in parentheses after the citation title or “author's emphasis”, if the highlight is already part of the work consulted.


The list of references must include all works cited in the article and must follow the ABNT-NBR-6023/2018 normative, as illustrated below:


LAST NAME, First name. Title of the book. City of publishing: Name of the publisher. Year of publication.

Articles in periodicals

LAST NAME, First name. Title of the article. Name of the periodical, City of publication, State of publication, volume, number, pages, Month. Year.

Articles in non-scientific magazines, newspapers, etc.

LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, city of publication, number, pages, day month year.


LAST NAME, First name. Title of the article. Name of the website, city, day month year. Available at: <web address of the site>. Accessed on: day month year.



Opinion Legal accepts articles written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English. Articles in German will only be accepted from previously invited authors. All articles, regardless of the language in which they are written, must include the title, abstract and keywords in English – meeting the requirements of the Capes Qualis Program.



The Legal Opinion aims at the publication and dissemination of unpublished works, and the author must state, under the penalties of the law, any contrary condition, on the occasion of the submission of his work. In case of previous publication, the author must explain the publication vehicle and the support used (virtual or printed), so that the team of Institutional Editors can decide, sovereignly, on the convenience of an eventual republication.


There are no submission, processing or publication fees.

However, in order to professionalize the publication process, approved authors must be prepared to deliver a final version of their articles that meets the excellence needs of the journal, in the terms described above.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.