


Legal methodology, Rhetoric, Art and Law, Order, Francisco Puy


Objective: The analysis of the slogan “law and order” is related with the reading process of literary texts or cinematographic texts, applying them to the process of reading legal facts, highlighting the importance of the order of facts to the interpretation of facts.

Methodology: Several types of demonstration have been used: deductive arguments, based on rhetorical studies, in Literature, Art and Law, on the distortion operated by the order of factors; inductive arguments, which bring the legal analysis of discourses closer to artistic discourses, which have always reflected the importance of the order of the narrated factors; analogic arguments, presupposed by the omnipresence of faction in human sciences; and authority arguments, mainly referring the importance of the rhetorical work of a Spanish jurist, Francisco Puy.

Results: The essay underlines the importance of the order during the testimony or the process in general, given its rhetorical effects of conformation and / or manipulation.

Contributions: It is believed that the two main contributions of this research are the valorization of rhetorical studies in general (and of lawyers like Francisco Puy in particular), as well as the appreciation of a humanistic education of jurists, so often formed in the belief of this rhetorical neutrality of interpretation the facts.

Author Biography

Maria Luísa Malato, Universidade do Porto

Professora Associada, com Agregação, na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Com vários estudos sobre Utopia, Teatro e Retórica, a sua investigação debruça-se essencialmente sobre a literatura dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Tem Mestrado (1988, pela Universidade de Coimbra) Doutoramento e Agregação (1999 e 2007, pela Universidade do Porto) em Literatura Comparada e Estudos Românicos. Numa perspetiva comparatística, os seus trabalhos visam comprovar a necessidade de uma prática que alargue o corpus de análise às relações que a Literatura estabelece com a Filosofia, os textos impressos com os textos manuscritos, os autores canónicos com os "menores". É, desde 1990, sócia da Sociedade Francesa de Estudos do Século XVIII. Membro ativo do Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa e colaboradora do Instituto de Filosofia (UP) e Centro de Estudos de Teatro (UL), unidades financiadas pela FCT. Vice-Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada (2013-2018). Co-editora da Revista online de Filosofia e Literatura Pontes de Vista.



How to Cite

MALATO, Maria Luísa. LAW AND ORDER: FROM LITERARY RHETORIC TO JURIDICAL RHETORIC. Revista Opinião Jurídica (Fortaleza), Fortaleza, v. 18, n. 29, p. 265–284, 2020. DOI: 10.12662/2447-6641oj.v18i29.p265-284.2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.



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