Ethics Policy and Good Practice Statement

Based on recommendations by Elsevier[1]  and COPE´s Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing[2],  whose 3rd version is in force since January 2018, Revista Opinião Jurídica presents its Ethics Policy and Good Practice Statement.

1) Editorial Commission:

The makeup of the Editorial Commission of Revista Opinião Jurídica can be accessed via the following link: Home >About the Journal > Editorial Team.

Contacts with the Editorial Team will preferably take place by email, through the address, carbon copy to Other contact information is available through the link Home > About the Journal > Contact.

2) Authors

No fees will be charged for the submission and processing of the articles.

In case the article has multiple authors, all of them must have significantly contributed to the research.

All works cited in the article must be referenced in accordance with the resolution ABNT-BNR-6023/2018.

The authors must indicate whether any funds or grants were received to finance the research.

Revista Opinião Jurídica only circulates unpublished articles. The author should, in accordance to Brazilian legislation, disclose and explain any exceptional situation when submitting the article. In cases when the article has previously been published, the author must indicate the name of the periodical, as well as the format (electronic or printed), so the Editorial Team may sovereignly decide on the convenience of republishing the material.

3) Peer review process

The articles submitted to Revista Opinião Jurídica are initially examined by the Editorial Commission (desk review), to verify, among others, if the material is compatible with the journal’s focus areas and profile and that the formal standards for submissions have been met. The article is then submitted to a process of double blind review, that is, any mention to authorship is removed and the articles are sent to specialized reviewers – who hold at least the same academic title as the author – for analysis and recommendation on publication (in favor or against it). Any information regarding the identity of those who review and analyze the article will not be disclosed to the authors.

All articles under review are to be treated in a strictly confidential manner.

All opinions and suggestions during the peer review process must be objective.

In presenting their considerations, evaluators must suggest any relevant work that has not been cited in the article under review.

4) Ethics of the journal

Revista Opinião Jurídica reinforces its commitment to scientific values and ethics and expects that all those involved in the editorial process will carry themselves in an irreproachable manner.

Authors must ensure that the work submitted is original and previously unpublished and that it presents an objective and precise discussion. All works cited in the article must be duly referenced; plagiarism will not be tolerated and constitutes a grave ethical fault. As mentioned in the Author Guidelines, the concurrent submission of an article to several journals will not be accepted, as it is deemed unethical behavior. In case the article has multiple authors, before submitting the article to Revista Opinião Jurídica, the author responsible for doing so must ensure that all others are aware of the final version of the manuscript and accept its submission to the journal.

Evaluators must treat all the articles they receive for review as confidential and must analyze them objectively and constructively. Any idea that is obtained through the peer review process must not be communicated or used for personal advantage. Conflicts of interest of any nature must be promptly communicated to the editors. Should the evaluator not feel comfortable in reviewing a certain article or is unavailable to do so, they must inform the editorial team as soon as possible.

When considering articles for publication, editors must do so based strictly on the academic merits of the work and must take timely and reasonable measures relating to complaints regarding articles submitted to or published in Revista Opinião Jurídica. Editors will not use any unpublished information in their own research without the express agreement of the authors involved.

5) Copyrights Notice and Open Access Policy

The submission of articles to analysis for publication in Revista Opinião Jurídica implies the author(s) transfers copyrights to Centro Universitário Christus – UNICHRISTUS for reproduction, publicizing, distribution, printing and publication.

Revista Opinião Jurídica will provide immediate open access to its content, abiding by the principle of providing free public scientific knowledge with the purpose of contributing to a greater democratization of knowledge.

6) Archiving

Revista Opinião Jurídica uses the LOCKSS system in order to create an archiving system which can be made available among participating libraries allowing them to create a permanent archive of the Journal for future preservation and eventual restoration.


7) COPE Guidelines


[2] Disponível em:


For more information about self-plagiarism:


For more information on attribution of authorship, order of authorship, co-authorship, and authorship dispute:
