Journal History

The Revista Opinião Jurídica (ISSN 1806-0420) is the scientific journal of the Law Course of Centro Universitário Christus - UNICHRISTUS, an institution based in Fortaleza, in the State of Ceará, in the Northeast region of Brazil. The journal has 19 years of existence, 35 issues have already been published and, currently, it is published every four months.

In 2017, the Legal Opinion was reclassified by the Brazilian body responsible for the evaluation of scientific journals and stricto sensu graduate programs: Capes – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. 

In recent years, the magazine has been meeting exogenous rates of 60%. However, since its issue 16, Legal Opinion has expanded its exogenous range to rates above 75%, in all dimensions (regarding the origin of articles, reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee).

It should also be noted that, since the first issue of the Legal Opinion, one can see the infallible presence of several of the biggest names that legal literature has already produced on the national scene, in different shades of knowledge. Names that constitute authentic theoretical ground for generations of jurists, in various fields of Law, alternate side by side with young talents from the newest crop of authors, forming a healthy and fruitful environment, based on meritocracy.

It is also important to note that, since 2004, the journal has also started to house a permanent section on Foreign Doctrine, systematically publishing authors of international reference in their areas of knowledge, from countries such as: France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, New Zealand etc.

Thus, in addition to seeking to distribute the best production of its faculty/students, Revista Opinião Jurídica began to expand and intensify various strategies for inclusion, democratization and publication of excellent works, responsible for involving researchers from Oiapoque to Chuí, as well as as from overseas.