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Revista Gestão em Análise – ReGeA (ISSN 1984-7297 e-ISSN 2359-618X) é uma publicação científica (quadrimestral) pautada na ética e no compromisso com a inovação dos saberes. Todos os trabalhos que constituem o periódico contêm o Digital Object Identifier (DOI) e contam com fluxo contínuo tanto em termos de submissão como de publicação (ahead of print). Os manuscritos podem ser apresentados na forma de artigo científico, ensaio e caso de ensino.

O escopo da revista compreende diversos domínios do conhecimento nas áreas da gestão, tecnologias e inovação em instituições públicas e privadas, notadamente: gestão empreendedora e estratégica, gestão financeira e contábil alinhadas à governança corporativa, gestão da informação, desenvolvimento de sistemas e transformação digital, engenharia da produção com ênfase em operações industriais, logística, cadeias de suprimento e sustentabilidade.

Esta revista oferece acesso livre e imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização do saber.


Take a peak - New inssue - REGEA 2025_1 (Editorial) Innovation: key management and decision-making alliance in changing, disruptive, and uncertain environments

Take a peak - New inssue - REGEA 2025_1 {Editorial) Innovation: key management and decision-making alliance in changing, disruptive, and uncertain environments A review of management in all areas of society shows us that decision-makers need to be more proactive to achieve plausible, effective, and efficient solutions that are useful in mitigating the many problematic situations that arise. Problems emerge faster than the answers to them. The second period of the 21st century continues to be permeated by constant, disruptive change and high uncertainty. This moment in human development is even more revealing than the previous ones and has distinctive characteristics such as those indicated by Schwab (2016): the incremental speed with which facts and events occur, their greater global reach due to interconnectivity, and the strong impact on systems. To act within this complex environmental framework, the authors' consensus argues that management must focus on innovation and adaptability. Concerning innovation, the main concept was introduced by Schumpeter (1911) as ways and means for new ideas and creativity to add value to the market for goods and services. The alliance of innovation and technologies is making explosive advances. It presents itself as a strong ally for management with various fundamental resources to use, define what to do, how to act, and make decisions. Artificial intelligence has the potential to drive innovation and redefine the way the creative process is approached (VML Intelligence, 2023). Generative artificial intelligence is raising questions about the limits of human capabilities because, by comparing them, this technological resource can design and build texts, images, videos, music, and software codes and leading sectors such as education to reconsider why, what, and how we learn (IESE Business School, 2024). Innovation supports coverage, the use of tools and management models to strengthen public trust (IESE Business School, 2024) with significant results in quality products and services in the areas of science, engineering, and mathematics in the Latin American region (ECLAC, 2024) and globally, with progress in reducing poverty, increasing productivity and life expectancy from genome sequencing, computing power, electric batteries (WIPO, 2024), among others. In addition to innovation being a powerful ally in management and decision-making, young people are a key target group. This generation stands out for its creativity, understanding, use of technologies, active social interaction, and entrepreneurial spirit (Borrachia, 2019) without forgetting that they need the support and experience of their predecessors. Furthermore, based on the context presented here, and more specifically concerning the alliance of innovation and technologies, we hope to contribute to generating reflections and studies on the subject. Beatriz E. Plata* - Invited Editor | Edición ReGeA 2025|1 Arnaldo F. Matos Coelho - Scientific Editor - Gestión Carla K. de Monteiro Marques - Scientific Editor - Technology Laodicéia Amorim Weersma - Executive and Innovation Editor REFERENCES Borracchia, C. (2019). Centennials: el impacto en el trabajo de la primera generación 100% digital. 1a ed. Nicolás Agustín Di Candia Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). (2024). América Latina y el Caribe ante las trampas del desarrollo. Transformaciones indispensables y cómo gestionarlas. IESE Business School. (2024). Innovation. World Economic Forum: Intelligent Strategic. Schumpeter, J. A. (1911). The theory of economic development. An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycle. Transaction Publishers. Schwab, K. (2016). La cuarta revolución industrial. Debate: World Economic Forum VML Intelligence. (2023, mayo). The Age of re-enchantment: emerging trends and opportunities. Wunderman Thompson. (*) Beatriz E. Plata - PhD in Business and Social Sciences from the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales in Buenos Aires. Master in Strategic Thinking and Foresight and Tourism and Hotel Business Administrator from Universidad Externado de Colombia. Professor at the Instituto Universitario de la Policía Federal Argentina (IUPFA) and Assistant Professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) in the chair of Possible Futures.   DOI: Saiba mais sobre Take a peak - New inssue - REGEA 2025_1 (Editorial) Innovation: key management and decision-making alliance in changing, disruptive, and uncertain environments

Edição Atual

v. 14 n. 2 (2025): EM ABERTO


Publicado: 2025-02-20


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