



elderly, hypervulnerability, over-indebtedness, credit


Context: In contemporary times, what can be called mass society has developed, which is marked, mainly, by the excessive consumption of material goods and by various abuses in the face of vulnerable subjects, such as the elderly. In order to protect such individuals, brazilian law number 14.181/2021 emerges, which seeks to establish the recognition of the hypervulnerable condition of the elderly and the duty to safeguard their rights in the face of over-indebtedness.

Objective: Investigate the implications provided by brazilian law number 14.181/2021, especially in the sense of investigating the contours of the hypervulnerability of the elderly and their propensity to excessive indebtedness, without, however, ignoring the innovations provided by the principle of responsible credit, combating consumer harassment, as well as the institute of debt renegotiation of over-indebted consumers.

Methodology: The present study was conducted through the selection of specialized bibliography, as well as recent brazilian jurisprudential understandings and decisions issued by the National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation, using the deductive method.

Conclusion: The precepts dealt with by brazilian law number 14.181/2021, in addition to creating and reinforcing the individual rights and guarantees of the elderly duly recognized by the legal system, also establish new perspectives on the treatment of excessive indebtedness of the elderly as hypervulnerable consumers.

Author Biographies

Silvio Alexandre Fazolli

Doutor em Direito Econômico e Socioambiental pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). Mestre em Tutela dos Direitos Supra-Individuais pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Especialista em Direito Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Sustentável pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). É professor junto ao curso de graduação e especialização em Direito da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Maringá - PR - BR. E-mail: <fazolli@gmail.com>. Advogado. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4900-0581

Maria Eduarda Frazatto Dias

Pós-Graduanda em "Direito Civil: Perspectivas Contemporâneas" pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Advogada. Maringá - PR - BR. E-mail: <meftazatto@gmail.com>. https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4978-0818

Pedro Henrique Roncada Pinzan

Pós-Graduando em "Direito Civil: Perspectivas Contemporâneas" pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Advogado. Maringá - PR - BR. E-mail: <pedrohrpinzan@gmail.com>. https://orcid.org/0009-0005-3449-5106



How to Cite

FAZOLLI, Silvio Alexandre; DIAS, Maria Eduarda Frazatto; PINZAN, Pedro Henrique Roncada. HYPERVULNERABILITY OF THE ELDERLY CONSUMER IN FRONT OF OVER-INDEBTEDNESS. Revista Opinião Jurídica (Fortaleza), Fortaleza, v. 22, n. 39, p. 117–146, 2024. DOI: 10.12662/2447-6641oj.v22i39.p117-146.2024. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unichristus.edu.br/opiniaojuridica/article/view/4834. Acesso em: 12 dec. 2024.



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